Friday, November 5, 2010

Old Spice Commercial

There are a lot of great, funny commercials out there that are very affective towards their audience. But, lately the Old Spice "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" commercials have been a bit hit with people of all ages all across the country, and the world. As of Friday November the 5th it already has nearly 23 million views on YouTube. Basically all it is is a man who describes himself as a very good smelling man, the tall, dark, handsome type that all women seem to love, and saying to women that their men could smell like him and be as awesome as him if they used Old Spice body soap.

It is a continuous shot and follows the man from the bathroom to a boat and suddenly on a horse. It's actually ridiculous but also quite funny. I think this commercial is very persuasive mainly because it is very funny. Its ridiculousness grabs the attention of the viewer and draws the viewer to the conclusion that "Hey, maybe I should get some old spice body wash, its the "cool" body wash."Usually ads gain the attention of the viewer by giving the viewer something to see that it hasn't seen before, or displays it in a different way, which is actually what this commercial does. It uses style, by claiming that old spice soap is the soap that can guarantee the smell of the guy in the commercial. This is a claim used by many ads to give the viewer a reason to go out and buy something. It also uses ubiquity by catching the readers attention by placing the man in odd and random circumstances.

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