Friday, October 29, 2010

3 Act Structure in Star Wars

Hollywood's 3 act structure is the most used structure in the developing process of a film. In Star Wars, the three act structure is prevalent throughout the whole film. Star Wars is a feel good movie, with the hero winning in the end. George Lucas uses the 90 degree pyramid in the film in which every scene leads into the rest of the acts. 

Act one:
     Lucas ends act one at around the 35-40 minutes mark with the decision that Luke, the protagonist, makes. He had been contemplating leaving Tattoine for a more exciting life with the rebellion, but helping his aunt and uncle forced him to stay behind. When his aunt and uncle get killed by the empire it leaves Luke with no other choice than to help Obi-Wan Kenobi and fight for the rebellion like he had wanted, using his skills to help rescue Princess Leia and the rebellion. By doing this Lucas ends the act by escalating the stakes for Luke and implying the tough road ahead for Luke and the rebellion.

Act two:
     In act two,with an end time arounf 1:15-1:25, most of the action takes place. Luke ends up finding Princess Leia in the Death Star and manages to escape the Death Star but Obi-Wan Kenobi ends up getting killed by Darth Vader. The story is not over however, with the empire planning to blow up another planet in their way, Luke and the rebellion need to act quickly and destroy the empire's plans. This elevates even more action, transitioning from act two to act three. 

Act three:
     Act three is the shortest act, and consists of primarily a big space battle that last 20 minutes long. This is my favorite movie because the climax is so EPICLY EPIC!!! The action is great but I like it more becasue this is the act that answers almost all of the questions, the main one being that The Death Star is blown up and the empire is defeated, for now. 

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