Sunday, November 28, 2010

Extra Credit Blog

What difficulties did you encounter in using the blogs? (both technical and conceptual)

At first there were a few difficulties when starting up the blog. I guess the reason why there were a few difficulties was because of a mixture of the whole "blog" idea being very new to me and the website used to blog, Blogger, is not very user friendly itself. The first difficulty was I had no idea how to do a blog and the instructions during the startup of the blog page was a tad confusing and not in as in depth as it needed to be. Maybe a video tutorial would have worked out really nice, allowing us to visually see how to do one, making it easier to accomplish.

One other thing that was confusing was placing pictures within the blog. I guess this is more of a website difficulty more than anything. I have heard of better blog websites other than blogger than people I have talked to have said that it is easier to use other than blogger. 

Overall I felt blogger was not user friendly at all and a bit difficult to use. As far as conceptual problems goes, I don't have many just that maybe there should have been more blog prompts related to the screenings and how they are related to the lectures and readings alike.

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