Sunday, October 17, 2010

Star Wars "Binary Sunset" shots

In Star Wars "A New Hope" there is one scene in particular that I really love because it tells a story all it's own in about 35 seconds with no dialogue, only emotion played out through the kind of shots George Lucas used. This scene comes almost halfway through the movie and really let's the viewer know what Luke is feeling.

The shot I am going to explain is the Binary Sunset scene in Star Wars. Basically Luke gets out of the house and looks at the two suns setting in the sky. It doesn't seem like a big deal but when you watch it it feels like something much more is happening on a deeper level.

Long Shot: George Lucas opens up the scene with an isolated house in the Tattoine Desert and with two suns setting, Luke simply walks out of the house. The descriptive meaning of this scene is simply telling us where the scene is taking place, which is in Tattoine. But on a deeper level as Luke is standing by just watching the sunset he is alone. There is a sense of loneliness with the backdrop of the two suns and Luke just standing there, watching his dreams set along with the suns.

Medium Shot: The medium shot in this case is with the two suns. As it goes from Luke back to the two suns, the suns represent the dreams and aspirations of a young farm boy, who wants more from life and knows deep in his heart that he is called to be a part of something bigger than himself.

Close-Up Shot: The close up is of Luke looking into the sky. Obviously, it clarifies that it is Luke that is in the scene. As Luke looks away, you can easily tell he is sad, lonely, upset, and disappointed with the way his life looks to be going.  The immense sky paints a picture that represents how big the universe is and how small Luke is in this vast world. Yet, those two suns are there to represent that something is out there for him, yet until that day comes it is back to life as he knows it.

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1 comment:

  1. This scene is just awesome! Sadly it is missing in my Episode IV version... Any idea how one can get to see this scene complete? Please help!
